Dr. László Nyulászi

Head of the MTA-BME Computation Driven Chemistry group
Corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Chair of the Doctoral Council of BME
PhD in chemistry, Technical University of Budapest, 1986
British Council scholar 1989-90 Southampton, UK
Alexander von Humboldt fellow, 1997-98 Kaiserslautern-Erlangen; 2003 and 2017 Bonn, Germany
Contact information
Ch building 1st floor room 43 Szt. Gellért tér 4, 1111 Budapest+36-1-463-3281
Unusually bound covalent compounds are in the focus of the research group, to expand the chemistry of group 14 and 15 elements to explore new properties, which can be used in advanced technologies such as catalysis, or optoelectronic applications. The mélange of computational modeling and experimental work – including cooperation with synthetic research groups as a working concept contributes to the effectiveness of the research.
For more information on our research projects please see our website.
- Széchenyi Professor 1998-2002
- Polányi Mihály Award 2010
- Szent-Györgyi Albert Award 2012
- József Nádor Memorial Award BME, 2019
For full list see: Nyulászi László (Szervetlen kémia) (MTMT), ORCID, 0000-0002-2207-8410
- Nyulászi Aromaticity of Phosphorus Compounds Chem. Rev. 2001, 101, 1229-1246.
- Dienes, S. Durben, T. Kárpáti, T. Neumann, U. Englert, L. Nyulászi, T.Baumgartner Selective Tuning of the Band-Gap of π-Conjugated Dithieno[3,2-b:2’,3’-d]phospholes toward Different Emission Colors Chem. Eur. J. 2007, 13, 7487-7500.
- Hollóczki, D. Gerhard, K. Massonne, L. Szarvas, B. Németh, T. Veszprémi, L. Nyulászi Carbenes in Ionic Liquids: A Viable Mechanism for Evaporation. New. J. Chem. 2010, 34, 3004-09.
- -A. Bouit, A. Escande, R. Szűcs, D. Szieberth, C. Lescop, L. Nyulászi, M. Hissler, R. Réau Dibenzophosphapentaphenes: Exploiting P Chemistry for Gap Fine-Tuning and Coordination-Driven Assembly of Planar Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 6524−6527.
- Giese, K. Klimov, A. Mikeházi, Z. Kelemen, DS Frost, S Steinhauer, P. Müller, L. Nyulászi, C. Müller 2-(Dimethylamino)phosphinine: A Phosphorus-Containing Aniline Derivative
- Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 3581-3586.
- General Chemistry BSc autumn
- Inorganic Chemistry BSc spring
- The Culture of Alcohol elective