Dr. Lajos Höfler

Associate Professor
PhD in Chemistry, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2009
Visiting researcher, Department of Organic Chemistry,
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zürich, Switzerland, 2007 – 2008
Postdoctoral research fellow, Department of Chemistry,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 2009 – 2011 Postdoctoral research fellow, Chemistry Research Laboratory,
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 2011 – 2013
Contact information
Ch building 1st floor room 108 Szt. Gellért tér 4, 1111 Budapest+36-1-463-2273
One of the main focuses of our group is the development and theoretical description of membranes containing synthetic receptors. These membranes coupled with electrochemical read-out schemes can be used to convert chemical signal into electrical signal. Sensors based on electrical signal are generally easy to use in practice, and their small size allows easy integration in various devices. In order to create new types of membranes and sensing principles, practical implementation must be accompanied by theoretical underpinning. Therefore, we investigate membranes that are suitable for the determination of components that have been notoriously difficult to measure. Furthermore, we aim to describe and understand membrane behavior using state-of-the-art simulation and machine learning methods.
Recent developments in the field of Li-ion batteries have made it possible to put more electric cars on the road, and modern Li-ion batteries can also help us store the electricity generated by renewable energy sources. The specific energy of batteries – how much energy can be stored in a given mass – is a crucial metric. The use of lead, then nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride from the mid-19th century onwards, has not significantly changed this metric: with Li-ion batteries, however, specific energy is on the increase. Our group is interested in the application of non-invasive electrochemical methods to assess the state-of-health of Li-ion batteries. The combination of synergistic experimental techniques with simulation and machine learning methods can help in determining not only a snapshot of the current state but also the underlying phenomena that are responsible for the cell behavior.
Our group is also interested in the investigation of how hydrogen stored in the form of formic acid can be released in a technologically and economically viable way. Formic acid is a convenient and safe way to store, distribute and transport hydrogen. The method developed can contribute to a wide range of applications beyond hydrogen storage, from chemical applications and fuel cell technology to automotive applications. Additionally, our group develops electrochemical procedures for the analytical determination of the utilized homogeneous catalysts.
For more information on our research projects please contact me via e-mail.
- According to anonymous student opinions the „Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices” subject is consistently among the best 10% in the University, 2014-2020
- Junior Prima Award, Hungarian Development Bank / Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2014
- Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing, Elsevier, 2013 and 2015
- Nivo prize, Hungarian Chemical Society, 2005
- First price in analytical chemistry and prize of “Foundation for Hungarian Pharmaceutical Research” at the National Scientific Student Conference (OTDK), 2005
- First price in bioanalytical chemistry and special prize of the President of Budapest University of Technology and Economics at the Scientific Student Conference (TDK), 2004
For full list see: MTMT, ORCID, ResearchGate, Google Scholar
- Pocsai, D; Höfler, L; Application of Potentiometric Ion-Breakthrough to Assess Individual Diffusion Coefficients of Ions in Ion-Selective Membranes JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY 167 147506 (2020)
- Antonio, JL; Höfler, L; Lindfors, T; CórdobadeTorresi, SI; Electrocontrolled Swelling and Water Uptake of a Three-Dimensional Conducting Polypyrrole Hydrogel CHEMELECTROCHEM 3 2146-2152. (2016)
- Nagy, X; Höfler, L; Lowering Detection Limits Toward Target Ions Using Quasi-Symmetric Polymeric Ion-Selective Membranes Combined with Amperometric Measurements ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 88 9850-9855. (2016).
- Clamer, M; Höfler, L; Mikhailova, E; Viero, G; Bayley, H; Detection of 3′-end RNA uridylation with a protein nanopore ACS NANO 8 1364-1374. (2014)
- Höfler, L; Gyurcsányi, RE; Nanosensors lost in space. A random walk study of single molecule detection with single-nanopore sensors ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA 722 119-126. (2012)
- Höfler, L; Meyerhoff, ME; Modeling the effect of oxygen on the amperometric response of immobilized organoselenium-based S -nitrosothiol sensors ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 83 619-624. (2011)
- Höfler, L; Bedlechowicz, I; Vigassy, T; Gyurcsányi, RE; Bakker, E; Pretsch, E; Limitations of Current Polarization for Lowering the Detection Limit of Potentiometric Polymeric Membrane Sensors ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 81 3592-3599. (2009)
- Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices, BSc/MSc autumn
- Applied Electrochemistry, MSc spring
- Sample Handling Methods, MSc spring
- Analytical Chemistry Laboratory Practice, BSc spring/autumn
- Design Project, BSc autumn
- Multivariate Data Evaluation I., MSc autumn
- Monte Carlo method of simulation, MSc spring